Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Bailout Failout

     The House of Represntives failed to provide the Big Bailout bill for Wallstreet and a couple of Banks.There was 95 Democrats along with the majority of Repbulians voted against a bill that would rescue a few businesses on Wall Street and Banks.  Most of the American Taxpayer dosen't like the bill since it is considered a bailout. Foxnews explained that a majority of the voting public got intouch with their representitives in Washington telling them they didn't like what the bill was about. So when the votes were counted and the bill fail to pass. 
     House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went in front of the house and spewed the most vile blame on the administration and the minority party,Republicans. Government is Broken. Broken due to greed and sloppy laws for the past 20 years. Partisan politics is Bull Crap and now getting very old. Isn't it time to have a new revolution against not the government but the Democrats and the Republicans. Lies are on both sides,it's getting to the point who do you trust. Not the President,Not the Congress,surley not the courts. It's Broke. 
The National Review Online : article title Failed Vote by the editors:     
The $700 billion bailout bill is palatable to no one. It’s a huge price tag. It was originally presented to Congress as all but a fait accompli. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke have been underwhelming in selling the plan on Capitol Hill. And it’s hated by a public suspicious of the country’s elites, whether in Washington or on Wall Street. rest of the article

During this period where the hell is Obama,has he even given enough though for the country to even call and try to solve this problem with the leadership in the house. NO. Atleast McCain has tried to help with being there to call and talk with lawmakers. What he accomplished was not a political goal but a goal to help the country. Be politically selfish as in Obama who may get  the White House because instead of being a Leader you were a politician just like what caused the problem we're in now.God Help Us.

      What is needed in Washington D.C. right now is leadership from both parties and for that Leadership stop being politians trying to see how they can make the other party look bad but become Americans and trying to make America stronger and solvent. Not Conservative and Not Liberal,but American.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

T.Boone Pickens and Congress

Why are we still being held hostage by Arab Oil. We should have years ago taken back our energy policy. For years we were sufficiently supplied by oil and gas produced by Texas and Oklahoma. With other states being a minor roll in the process. Then came the different Conservationist that put so many regulations on drillers and refineries that we stopped drilling and stopped producing. We then fell imprisoned and dependent to imported oil. Look what happened to us now that the future has come, no future of getting out of this mess. Well I hope Congress is proud to have gone on vacation with the rest of us choose weather to stop grocery shopping or get gas to go to work.
Nancy Pelosy ,The Speaker Of The House, would not allow any discussion on the House Of Representatives on our energy woes. This just shows how the Democrats would rather cater to the special interest groups that would see us return to the horse and buggy days. Oh sure they want alternate ways of making energy. That wonderful but they have had 40 years to do this. As of now there's some but not enough to say that we could comp,letely go from oil. So the situation demands we start drilling again as well as building new refineries. Allow Oil Company's to drill without the threat of lawsuits. The oil companies know how to drill without hurting the environment and disturbing the balance ecologically.
T.Boone has a plan that could help us do the unthinkable,tell the Arabs to kiss off. He would do this by allowing every know technology we have today to be used. And that includes oil,gas,electric,hydrogen and any other man made ideas. However, all this will take time . The longer we wait the longer it is going to take. If it takes 5 or 6 years then it would be better to start now then start in another 5 or 10 years. Where is Congress ,Oh yes their on vacation politicing for Sen . Obama and his running mate Sen. Biden. They would rather politic than help us little people out. At least the President had the will to help by lifting the ban on offshore drilling. This should have happened years ago as should we had voted the drilling of Anwar.
Congress if you don't do your job it's time to completely get rid of them all. I'm not just talking about Democrats either. The Republicans could have started the ball rolling also and they didn't have courage to fight against the special interest. The problem I've had with them has always been that when they did get the power of both house of Congress they started making Gov. and special interest as did the Democrats before them. Wheres the Republic for the people any more? Where's the representation for the people of each state, each county , each city. I'll tell you where it is ,in the toilet. All they care is to make more money for their friends and by doing so they become more powerful in their own demented minds.