Tuesday, April 7, 2009

California Senate Bill SB 256

I just received an email from Pet Pac Regarding the on going bill about mandatory sterilization of dogs and cats in California. the following was sent to me :

Dear Randy,

The new mandatory sterilization bill, SB 250, will be heard by the California Senate Local Government Committee next Wednesday, April 15, 2009, at 9:30am in Room 112 of the State Capitol.

SB 250 will result in more dogs and cats being sent to shelters and killed according to analysis of similar legislation (AB 1634) by the California Department of Finance. In addition, SB 250 is a new tax on responsible pet owners.

Contact members of the Senate Committee.

SB 250 is irresponsible and inhumane – help us stop this mandatory sterilization bill which will result in more pets being killed and will raise taxes on responsible pet owners.


Bill Hemby

For the Past 3 years the State Senate has been trying to pass this bill with it not passing or not having enough votes for a veto. It's time The Democratic Senate stop this insanity.

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